Tired of tech issues eating away at your valuable time? Don’t wake up to those 2am alerts. Rise and shine to resolved incidents. We’ve got you covered.
GET IN TOUCHOur team of engineers are here to minimise downtime and server degradation. They’ll keep a close eye on your infrastructure and tackle any issues that might happen – preventing incidents escalating into outages.
The Fasthosts ProActive NOC is on the clock 24/7 to handle the deployment, configuration, and management of monitoring in the solution. We’ll set up solution-specific events and alarms, respond to them if they go off, and take agreed actions to keep everything up and running smoothly.
From incident detection to regular backups, you’ll get lots of benefits when we monitor your infrastructure…
We track hundreds of metrics, looking at the availability, performance, and resource utilisation of hosts, containers, and other backend components to improve availability and reduce incidents.
We’ll respond to events and alerts (defined and configured by us) within agreed timeframes to solve any issues that might arise – like storage space increasing beyond expected rates.
We identify patterns and predict future resource needs by monitoring resources and performance trends – you can scale at the right time and right cost, while making sure the system can handle increased workloads, perform at its best and reduce the risk of system failures when at your busiest.
Our team will make sure your systems run smoothly at all times. Get in touch with us at 0333 111 2000 or pop your details into the contact form below to get started.
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